Showing entries 201 - 220 out of 386
Windl, R., Abert, C., Bruckner, F., Huber, C., Vogler, C., Weitensfelder, H., & Suess, D. (2017). Contactless and absolute linear displacement detection based upon 3D printed magnets combined with passive radio-frequency identification. AIP Advances, 7(11), Article 115121.
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Abert, C., Huber, C., Bruckner, F., Vogler, C., Wautischer, G., & Süss, D. (2017). A fast finite-difference algorithm for topology optimization of permanent magnets. Journal of Applied Physics, 122(11), Article 113904.
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Huber, C., Abert, C., Bruckner, F., Groenefeld, M., Schuschnigg, S., Teliban, I., Vogler, C., Wautischer, G., Windl, R., & Süss, D. (2017). 3D Printing of Polymer-Bonded Rare-Earth Magnets With a Variable Magnetic Compound Fraction for a Predefined Stray Field. Scientific Reports, 7(1), Article 9419.
Huber, C., Abert, C., Bruckner, F., Pfaff, C., Kriwet, J., Groenefeld, M., Teliban, I., Vogler, C., & Suess, D. (2017). Topology optimized and 3D printed polymer-bonded permanent magnets for a predefined external field. Journal of Applied Physics, 122(5), Article 053904.
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Abert, C., Sepehri-Amin, H., Bruckner, F., Vogler, C., Hayashi, M., & Süss, D. (2017). Fieldlike and Dampinglike Spin-Transfer Torque in Magnetic Multilayers. Physical Review Applied, 7(5), Article 054007.
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Vogler, C., Abert, C., Bruckner, F., & Süss, D. (2017). Efficiently reducing transition curvature in heat-assisted magnetic recording with state-of-the-art write heads. Applied Physics Letters, 110(18), Article 182406.
Puchberger, S., Soprunyuk, V., Schranz, W., Tröster, A., Roleder, K., Majchrowski, A., Carpenter, M. A., & Salje, E. K. H. (2017). The noise of many needles: Jerky domain wall propagation in PbZrO3 and LaAlO3. APL Materials , 5(4), Article 046102.
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Showing entries 201 - 220 out of 386