Functional materials are materials that possess particular native properties and functions of their own which includes magnetism, ferroelectricity, piezoelectricity, and storage functions. Our group investigates these materials through experiments, simulations and theoretical models and focuses on both fundamental research and applications. We aim to exploit the material properties for real life applications like magnetic sensors and neutron diffraction gratings.

Our work covers a wide range of topics, from microscopic symmetry properties of crystals to the improvement of industrial magnetic sensors for speed measurements in automotive applications. Learn about our interests in the research section, check the projects we are involved with, and take a look at our list of publications. We also actively engage with society through outreach activities.

If you want to work with us, don't forget to check out our open positions!



Together with the group of Erol Girt from the Simon Fraser University, Canada, we found a way to control the coupling angle in magnetic multilayers.


Our project on the "Self-consistent simulations approach

to magnetic soft matter" (SAM) has been funded by FWF.


The joint project "MagFunc" with Prof. Chumak and two French institutes IMTA and IPCMS is funded by FWF.


Our work in collaboration with the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg was featured on


Our review article on micromagnetics and spintronics has been selected by Springer Nature as one of the 2019 research highlights in physics.

Claas Abert

Our paper on the stochastic ferrimagnetic Landau-Lifshitz-Bloch equation was chosen as editor's suggestion on PRB.